Being mentally and physically ready for your mission is one thing, but being appropriately packed is quite another. Here are some tips to help you choose comfortable, functional, and attractive women's clothing for your mission. That way, when the time comes, you can focus on what matters.
Getting Prepared
Being adequately prepared for your mission is one of the best things you can do for yourself. It sets you up for success so that you don't have to worry about uncomfortable shoes, outfits that don't match, or clothing that isn't appropriate for the climate.
However, it can feel overwhelming to choose women's missionary clothing that is fashionable yet sensible and comfortable yet functional. To help make your choosing and packing processes a little bit easier, here are some tips for what to bring on your mission.
#1: Choose comfortable shoes.
Choosing the right shoes for your mission should always be a priority. Uncomfortable or low-quality shoes will wear out more quickly than you realize, especially if your mission involves a lot of walking. Look for arch support, thick soles, and a design that keeps the shoe snug on your foot.
#2: Pay attention to climate.
The climate in your mission is going to play a significant role in the clothes you choose. Remember, you want to be prepared for both hot and cold weather; cool clothing is a must, but so are thermals, cardigans, and jackets to layer for warmth.
#3: Have a little fun.
Although your mission wardrobe needs to be appropriate, functional, and matching, you have some freedom to mix and match colors and patterns. Choose clothing that you like, because you will be wearing them often during your mission.
Are you looking for advice on women's missionary clothing? For more tips on all the proper styles, fits, and choices, contact us today!