Planning a mission in your teens can be a rewarding but overwhelming experience. To help you focus on the good and worry a little less about the stress, here are a few tips for every teenage LDS missionary!
Preparing For Your Mission
You know what they say: "getting there is half the fun." That can be especially true when it comes to planning, scheduling, and budgeting your mission, as long as you have all the right information and support. There are so many things to focus on and so many decisions to make, but you don't have to feel overwhelmed. Instead, sit back, relax, and brush up on a few simple, stress-free tips for putting the fun and purpose back in your mission.
Tip #1: Dress the part.
Wardrobe choices can start to feel a little stressful, especially if your mission is taking you to an unfamiliar climate. Start by making a checklist of everything you think you'll need. Remember to prioritize function and comfort--and whether you're looking for men's missionary attire or women's, you have plenty of options.
Tip #2: Check dates, and then recheck them.
Before you make any final plans, you'll want to be absolutely sure that you don't have any family vacations or other important events coming up. That will make it easier to plan a smooth, enjoyable, and fulfilling mission.
Tip #3: Take your time.
This goes for every step of the process (even planning). As an LDS missionary, you want to fully appreciate the weight and importance of everything you're doing--so remember to slow down every once in a while and reflect on what you've accomplished and what you still hope to do.
Are you looking for more tips on being an LDS missionary? Need missionary attire? Contact us today!